
Monday, February 18, 2013

Paper Piecing Pinwheels

This is one of those happy accidents. And it's February in the Northeast---a dark and wet time, so I am telling you---I can use all the happy accidents I can get!! 

In searching for a pinwheel pattern I liked for my latest round of Flickr quilting bees, I came upon this pattern by Peggy Miller.  Turns out it was included in a Craftsy class that Peggy had done. As I have mentioned before, I am a big fan of the Craftsy platform, so I hopped over there and got myself a whole class on paper piecing.  

Paper piecing by definition includes a LOT of paper! Each of these blocks comes with four quadrants.  So for 6 blocks I had to make 24 of these squares:

After I ripped off the paper---before assembling each block---my 5 year old decided to make a puzzle of the piles of paper on the dining room table and make me a Valentine! Love him.

The resulting block has two layout options: 

 I went with having more of the lighter layout and here is the finished result:

So the happy accident is this:  I meant this as a Bee block---I would do one for each person in the group.  However, I misread the pattern, thought I needed to resize it (which I didn't) and so this original block came out bigger than expected.  I liked it so much I decided to run with it and make a quilt I never intended to make.

What do you think?  Leave me a comment!

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